Saturday, February 23, 2013

Malaria - Edson Oda (2012)

MALARIA tells the story of Fabiano, a young Mercenary who is hired to kill Death.
This short film combines Origami, Kirigami, Time lapse, nankin illustration, Comic Books and Western Cinema.

Malaria from Edson Oda on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Smoke Seller- Jaime Maestro Sellés (2012)

The story of a magician who rolls into an unsuspecting town and makes everyone love him. But all is not what it seems...
An award-winning short film made by students of PrimerFrame Animation School in Valencia, Spain.
Premio Goya 2013

El Vendedor de Humo from PrimerFrame on Vimeo.