Monday, April 19, 2010


During a convenience store stick up a grandmother is shopping unaware of what's taking place. The evidence tells a different story.

The students of Gobelins never fail to impress. “Blind Spot” isn’t new, but it has been nominated as a Best Student Piece for SIGGRAPH 2008. And with good reason. The technical and artistic strengths of the film’s creators all dovetail brilliantly, making for a tightly packed narrative that’s full of detail and comedic irony.

“Blind Spot” was created by Johanna Bessiere, Nicolas Chauvelot, Olivier Clert, Cecile Dubois Herry, Yvon Jardel and Simon Rouby.

Technique: Computer Animation
Country: France
Running Time: 2:15

Official Site: blindspotthemovie

1 comment:

PiKei said...

Πω-πω τι έπαθε η γιαγιάκα! Δεν ντρέπεσαι να ανεβάζεις πράγματα κατά των ηλικιωμένων;